The I Am Technique is a 10 minute a day audio restoring program with a four layer approach to building and restoring confidence and self- esteem in your child.
Each track starts out with age appropriate music, and laid over the music are positive affirmations that apply to each age group. Laid under the sound tracks, which you cannot hear, are two additional tracks: a subliminal track of positive loving affirmations (e.g. “I am safe, I am significant, I make a difference in the world”) and binaural beat music for the subconscious that supports and fosters happiness, wellbeing and deep relaxation.
The technique is broken down into two audios, one upbeat to engage the child in the morning while brushing teeth, or after school while doing homework or working out. The second is set to serene atmospheric music to which your child can fall asleep. The guided visualizations are included to support your child in relaxing as well as cultivating a safe place for them to go and just be themselves. The Room Visualization technique is a very powerful relaxation technique that supports your child in having a sense of safety and control in their world. The first three programs include this integral relaxation tool and where the words are all the same throughout the ages, the binarial beats laid underneath are not. It gives each child and teen a reference of a safe place as they experience stress and anxiety through their day.