Young Teen 11-15
Young Teen 11-15
Price $199.00.
Purchase the entire BUNDLE!
I am great, everything always works out for me, I succeed, I am likable, I make great choices, I move forward with ease.
Product Description
The second audio program in the I AM series promotes confidence and good decision making. In a time when young teenagers are having to prepare for some of life’s biggest changes in moving from middle school to high school, the pressure to fit in, act older and be accepted is immense. This program builds and supports their neural pathways to find ease in preparing for these transitions. the I AM Technique for 11-15 yrs. creates and supports confidence in moving through those experiences, as well as restoring the self esteem to create healthy boundaries and feel good about themselves.
Included in Each Program
2 audio reprograming downloads 1-upbeat for day & 1- ambient for nighttime to relax to. 2 guided meditations to support and create a relaxed state of mind for your child to ease stress, depression and anxiety.
Delivery Information & Terms
Once purchased your product(s) will be digitally delivered to you.
Because all content are downloads, All I Am Techniques programs are non refundable. Purchasing products acknowledges and agrees to terms of service on site.